Committees at MIP

Along with the Board of Directors, the internal workings of MIP are structured according to a broad range of committees, each of which is usually led by two co-chairs. Below is a brief description of each of MIP’s committees as well as a listing of their respective co-chairs and members.


Admissions Committee
Membership Committee
Program Committee
Curriculum Committee
Continuing Studies Committee
International Connections Committee

Admissions Committee

The Admissions Committee at MIP is responsible for receiving and reviewing applications to MIP’s Candidate Training Program and Advanced Candidate Training Program in Psychoanalysis. The Admissions Committee interviews applicants to both programs and is responsible for the selection of candidates accepted to train at MIP. The Committee also hosts an informational Open House each year.

Chair - VACANT

Raquel Limonic, LMHC Term 1: 2018-2021, Term 2: 2021-2024

Paul Plasky Term 1: 2024-2027

Marta Casas, LMHC Term 1: 2022-2025

Academic Outreach Committee

The Academic Outreach Committee seeks to create connections between analysts and academics. The committee offers study groups, courses, and programs designed to bring analysts and academics together to learn from each other and to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking.

Michael Reison, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2020-2023, Term 3: 2024-2027

Dennis Plant, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2020-2023, Term 2: 2024-2027

Richard Frankel, Ph.D. Term 1: 2020-2023, Term 2: 2024-2027

Robert J. Riethmiller, Ph.D. Term 1: 2022-2025

Continuing Education Committee

The Continuing Education Committee (CEC) is responsible for overseeing the provision of continuing education credits at MIP. We aim to be able to offer sufficient CE credits for candidates and members of all disciplines within our training programs and selected community programs, respectively.

Susan Schiff Geist, M.D. Term 1: 2019-2022 , Term 2: 2022-2025 

Robert Riethmiller, Ph.D. Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022 

Continuing Studies Committee (Psychoanalytic Dimensions)

The Continuing Studies Committee (CSC) offers continuing education courses and learning opportunities to MIP members and non-MIP members in the greater Boston area and in the Pioneer Valley region in western Massachusetts. These opportunities for professional development advance an immersion into psychoanalytic theory, concepts, and practice with a sense of collegiality and community.

Susan Schiff Geist, M.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2019–2022, Term 2: 2022–2025

Sherri Ettinger, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2017–2020, Term 2: 2020–2023

Kira Glassman, LICSW Term 1: 2023–2026

Shannon Mackey, LICSW Term 1: 2020–2023

Curriculum Committee

The mission of the Curriculum Committee is to implement a curriculum that provides MIP candidates with intensive experience in comparative psychoanalysis. To this end, the committee oversees curriculum design across the four years of training; recruits, selects and assigns faculty to teach semester courses and winter intercession courses; coordinates faculty and course evaluations; and holds faculty meetings and development workshops.

Anna Lucia Stothart, Psy.D., LMHC, Co-Chair Term 1: 2014-2017, Term 2: 2017-2020, Term 3: 2022-2025

Mary McDonald, LICSW, Co-Chair Term 1: 2016–2019, Term 2: 2019–2022, Term 3: 2022–2025

Lily Appel, LICSW, Term 1: 2024-2027

Carly Bobinsky, LICSW, Term 1: 2024-2027

Gloria Lynne Barbacoff, LICSW Term 1: 2022–2025  

Elizabeth Canick, Psy.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Laurence Chud, M.D. Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023, Term 3: 2023-2025  

Deborah Dowd, LICSW Term 1: 2022-2025

Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., ABPP Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023, Term 3: 2023-2025 

Stuart Pizer, Ph.D., ABPP Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022, Term 3: 2022-2025 

Ethics Committee

The MIP Ethics Committee is dedicated to cultivating the highest level of ethical conduct within the MIP community and in the psychoanalytic community at large. The committee is tasked with developing and revising ethical policies and procedures, educating candidates and members about ethical principles, and facilitating consultation on any policy or events that have an ethical dimension.

Jade McGleughlin, LICSW, Chair, Term 1: 2018-2021, Term 2: 2021-2024

Stuart Pizer, Ph.D. ABPP, Chair Emeritus, Term 1: 2020-2023  

Ginger Chappell, Ph.D. Term 1: 2006-2009, Term 2, 2020-2023

Sarah E. Dunbar, LICSW, BCD, Term 1: 2024-2027

Deborah Dowd, LICSW Term 1: 2020-2023, Term 2: 2023-2026

Sherri Ettinger, Ph.D., LICSW Term 1: 2020-2023, Term 2: 2023-2026

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to oversee all financial matters of MIP. Chaired by the treasurer and an additional co-chair appointed by the President, it reports to the board on budgetary, regulatory and other financial aspects of the Institute with the board retaining ultimate fiduciary responsibility.

Ilyse Zable, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Term 1: 2024-2026

Laurence Chud, M.D., Co-Chair, Term 1: 2023-2025

Frances Lang, Term 1: 2024-2026

Belle Kuo, Term 1: 2024-2026

International Connections Committee

The International Connections Committee (ICC) was formed at MIP to provide the membership with opportunities for lively contact and ongoing exchange with members of the international psychoanalytic community. We facilitate and host local presentations by international analysts in an informal format dedicated to open discussion.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee, typically comprised of a Chair who works closely with MIP’s administrator, is responsible for the collection of annual dues from the membership. The committee is also available to speak to prospective and current members about any questions related to membership at the organization.


Nominations Committee

The MIP Nominations Committee is charged with the responsibility for overseeing MIP’s yearly elections for Board members (Faculty, Graduate, Member, Candidate representatives, as well as President, Secretary, Treasurer). The Committee solicits nominations from the membership, places them before a vote, and addresses any election-related questions or difficulties.

David D. Kemmerer, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2021-2024

Kelly Wilson, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2024-2027

Postgraduate Fellowship Committee

The Postgraduate Fellowship (PGFP) Committee is charged with the development and oversight of a year-long psychoanalytic educational fellowship program based in the Metro Boston region of Massachusetts. The PGFP Committee develops the fellowship curriculum, recruits faculty, reviews fellowship applications, and facilitates an advanced introduction to psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice for post-graduate clinicians.

Joan Goldberg, Ph.D., Quarter Chair for 2024-2025

Deborah Dowd, LICSW., Quarter Chair for 2024-2025

Luanne Grossman, PsyD., Quarter Chair for 2024-2025

Sherri Ettinger, Ph.D., LICSW Quarter Chair for 2024-2025

Keren Porat, Psy.D., Co-Chair Emertius, Term 1: 2021-2024, Term 2: 2024-2025

Laura Burnham, LICSW Term 1: 2023-2026

Amy Sweigenberg, Psy.D. Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022, Term 3 2022-2025

Postgraduate Fellowship West Committee

The Postgraduate Fellowship West Committee is charged with the development and oversight of a year-long psychoanalytic educational fellowship program based in Western Massachusetts (Pioneer Valley region).

David Levit, Ph.D., ABPP, Chair Term 1: 2011-2018, Term 2: 2018-2022, Term 3: 2022-2025

Stacey Novack, Psy.D. Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023

Benjamin Addleson, PhD Term 1: 2022-2025

Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for the provision and coordination of psychoanalytic learning opportunities for MIP and the analytic community that represent MIP’s mission of being a comparative psychoanalytic institute. The committee specifically offers Saturday morning scientific programs, panels, and workshops (held at Cambridge Hospital), as well as courses, pre-Program seminars, and candidate-only presentations that offer opportunities for deeper immersion and study.

Dan Fishman, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Term 1: 2023- 2026

Abigail McNally, Ph.D., Interim Co-Chair, Term 1: 2024-2025

Lucinda Ballantyne, Term 1: 2024-2027

Deborah Dowd, LICSW: Term 1: 2024-2027

Noha Sadek, Term 1: 2024-2027

Dina Pasalis, Term 1: 2025-2028

Stechler Child and Adolescent Fellowship Committee

The Stechler Child and Adolescent Fellowship Committee is charged with the development and oversight of year-long fellowship for early to mid-career mental health professionals interested in psychodynamic approaches to child and adolescent psychotherapy and for experienced professionals seeking to expand their work. The Stechler Committee develops the curriculum, recruits faculty, reviews fellowship applications, and facilitating the fellowship.

Sharon Greenfield, Psy.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023

Elizabeth Slater, Ph.D., Co-Chair Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022, Term 3: 2023-2026

Elizabeth Bernstein, Ph.D. Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022, Term 3: 2023-2026

Michael Reison, Ph.D. Term 1: 2016-2019, Term 2: 2019-2022, Term 3: 2023-2026

Mary Calabrese, Ph.D. Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023, Term 3: 2024-2027

Joann Frankhouser, Psy.D. Term 1: 2017-2020, Term 2: 2020-2023, Term 3: 2024-2027

Sydney Schafer, LICSW Term 1: 2021-2024

Training Committee

The Training Committee oversees and facilitates the educational experience of each candidate and each cohort of candidates through close collaboration with candidates and supervisors. The Training Committee is responsible for pairing candidates with MIP liaisons, who form a central part of their Candidate Advisory Committee (CAC).

Caleb Englander, LICSW, Co-Chair, Term 1: 2023-2026

Robert Riethmiller, Ph.D., Co-Chair, Term 1: 2023-2026

Debra Abrams, LICSW, Term 1: 2023-2026

Ruth E. Bell, LICSW, Term 1: 2023-2026

Elisheva Dan, Ph.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

David Doolittle, Psy.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Paul Efthim, Ph.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Sara Emerson, MSW Term 1: 2023-2026

Tanya Ozbey, Ph.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Susan Schiff Geist, M.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Liang Yuan, M.D., Ph.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

Ilyse Zable, Psy.D. Term 1: 2023-2026

West Program Series Committee

The West Program Committee is comprised of a group of psychotherapists in the Pioneer Valley (Amherst-Northampton area) who run smaller, salon-style presentations and programs in the Amherst area. This committee is be responsible for vetting West program proposals, generating program series, arranging for spaces, hosting the events, and coordinating with MIP’s administration for the MIP West Program Series.

David Levit, Ph.D., ABPP, Chair Term 1: 2023-2026

William Feinstein, PhD Term 1: 2023-2026

Evelyn Pye, PhD Term 1: 2023-2026

Ira Sharkey, IAAP, LMHC Term 1: 2023-2026