Member Publications
Below you will find an alphabetical listing, by author’s last name, of the following published psychoanalytic resources. If you’re a member and would like to have your publication added to this list please contact us.
Books Authored by MIP Members
Barahona, R. (2024/forthcoming) Negative Hallucination in Wilfred Bion's Theory of Transformations. On Finding One's Ghost. London: Routledge.
Beebe, B., Cohen, P., & Lachmann, F. (2016). The mother-infant interaction picture book: Origins of attachment. New York: Norton.
Maria Tymoczko and Nancy Blackmun Born into a World at War
Fromm, Gerard. Taking the Transference, Reaching for Dreams: Clinical Studies in the Intermediate Area, 2012, London: Karnac.
Geist, RA, Empathic Understanding: the foundation of self psychological psychoanalysis. Self and Systems. (ed) N. Vanderheide and W. Coburn. Ann. NY Acad Sci. 2009. pp. 73-74
Goodman, D. (2012). The demanded self: Levinasian ethics and identity in psychology. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press.
Goodman, D. (2015). The Pornographic Self: Technology, Vulnerability, and “Risk Free” Desire. In D. Goodman & M. Freeman’s (Eds.) Psychology and the Other. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hoge, Hilary. (2002). Women’s Stories of Divorce at Childbirth: When the Baby Rocks the Cradle. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.
Layton, Lynne. (2004). Who’s That Girl? Who’s That Boy? Clinical Practice Meets Postmodern Gender Theory. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press.
Layton, L. Beyond sameness and difference: Normative unconscious process and our mutual implication in each other’s suffering. In: Goodman, D. and Freeman, M. editors. Psychology and the Other. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 168-188.
Layton, L. Yale or jail: Class struggles in neoliberal times. In: Goodman, D.M. and Severson, E.R. editors. The Ethical Turn. New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 75-93.
Layton, L. Racialized enactments and normative unconscious processes: Where haunted identities meet. In: Salberg, J. and Grand, S. editors. Transgenerational Trauma and the Other. New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 144-164.
Layton, L. and Corpt, E. Toward a social psychoanalysis. A conversation with Lynne Layton. In: Macdonald, H., Goodman, D. and Becker, B. editors. Dialogues at the Edge of American Psychological Discourse: Critical and Theoretical Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan, in press.
Layton, L. Relational theory in socio-historical context: Implications for technique. In: Grand, S. and Slochower, J. editors. Looking in the Mirror: Relationalists query themselves. New York: Routledge, in press.
Mann, David. (1994). A Simple Theory of the Self. New York: W.W. Norton, Inc.
McGleughlin, J. ( 2017). Do We Lose Or Find Ourselves In The Negative. In Harris, Kalb, Klebanoff (Eds.) Demon’s in the consulting room (pp. 93-122).New York NY. Routledge.
Naiburg, Suzi. (2015). Structure and Spontaneity in Clinical Prose: A Writer’s Guide for Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists. New York, NY: Routledge.
Pizer, Barbara. Body Words and the Analyst’s Use of Self: Transforming the Unspeakable in Clinical Process. 1st ed., Routledge, 2024.
Pizer, Stuart A. (1998). Building Bridges: The Negotiation of Paradox in Psychoanalysis, Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 1998.
Pizer, S.A., Catharsis and Peripeteia: Considering Kearney and the Healing Functions of Narrative. In: E. Severson, B. Becker & D. Goodman, editors. In the Wake of Trauma: Psychology and Philosophy for the Suffering Other, Duquesne University Press, 2016.
Prior, Stephen. (1996). Object Relations in Severe Trauma: Psychotherapy of the Sexually Abused Child, Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Schlein, S. (2016) The Clinical Erik Erikson: A Psychoanalytic Method of Engagement and Activation, Published by Routledge Press.
Slavin, Malcolm O., and Kriegman, Daniel. (1992). The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology and the Therapeutic Process. New York: Guilford Press.
Slavin, Malcolm Owen. The Story of Original Loss: Grieving Existential Trauma in the Arts and the Art of Psychoanalysis. 1st ed., Routledge, 2024.
Stark, Martha. (2002). Working with Resistance. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Stark, Martha. (1994). A Primer on Working with Resistance. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Stark, Martha. (1999). Modes of Therapeutic Action: Enhancement of Knowledge, Provision of Experience, and Engagement in Relationship. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Teicholz, Judith G. (1999). Kohut, Loewald, and the Postmoderns: A Comparative Study of Self and Relationship. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Books Edited by MIP Members
Born into a World at War, Edited by Maria Tymoczko and Nancy Blackmun (St. Jerome Press 2000, University of Massachusetts Press 2015).
Lost in Transmission: Studies of Trauma across Generations. Edited by M. Gerard Fromm, 2012, London: Karnac.
A Spirit That Impels: Play, Creativity and Psychoanalysis. Edited by M. Gerard Fromm, 2014, London: Karnac.
Goodman, D. & Freeman, M. (Eds). (2015). Psychology and the Other. New York: Oxford University Press.
Goodman, D. & Severson, E. (Eds.). (2016). The Ethical Turn: Otherness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
Fairfield, Susan, Layton, Lynne, and Stack, Carolyn, (Eds.). (2002). Bringing the Plague: Toward a Postmodern Psychoanalysis. New York: Other Press.
Layton, Lynne, Hollander, Nancy C., and Gutwill, Susan (Eds.). (2006). Psychoanalysis, Class and Politics: Encounters in the Clinical Setting. New York, NY: Routledge.
Levine, H.B. and Brown, L., eds. (2013). Growth and Turbulence in the Container/Contained. Bion’s Continuing Legacy. New York and London: Routledge (Taylor/Francis).
Levine, H. B. & Power, D. G. (Eds.) (2017). Engaging Primitive Anxieties of the Emerging Self: The Legacy of Frances Tustin. London: Karnac Books.
Schlein, S.P. (1987/1995). A Way of Looking At Things: Selected Papers of Erik H.Erikson, 1930-1980. New York: W. W. Norton.
Fairfield, Susan, Layton, Lynne, and Stack, Carolyn, (Eds.). (2002). Bringing the Plague: Toward a Postmodern Psychoanalysis. Other Press.
Book Chapters Authored by MIP Members
Barahona, R. (2024) Field theory. In The Third Edition of the Textbook of Psychoanalysis. Edited by Glenn Gabbard, Bonnie Litowitz, and Paul Williams. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.
Corpt, E.A. (2015). Commentary on Westphal: The Patient’s Intentionality as Primary. In D. Goodman & M. Freeman (Eds.) Psychology and the Other. (pp.138-145). New York, Oxford University Press.
Corpt, E.A. (2016) The Complications of Caring and the Ethical Turn in Psychoanalysis. In D. Goodman & E. Severson (Eds.) The Ethical Turn: Otherness and subjectivity in Contemporary psychoanalysis, (pp.109-116). London, Routledge.
Corpt, E.A. (2017) Toward a Social Psychoanalysis: A Conversation with Lynne Layton. (interview). In H. Macdonald, D. Goodman, B. Becker (Eds.) Dialogues at the Edge of American Psychological Discourse: Critical and Theoretical Perspectives, (pp.245-278). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Earle, Karen (2018). Parenting Through Enactments of Loss. Psychoanalytic Reflections on Parenting Teens and Young Adults: Changing Patterns in Modern Love, Loss, and Longing. London: Routledge.
Layton, L. Maternal Resistance. In: Salberg, J. editor. Good enough endings: Breaks, interruptions and terminations from contemporary relational perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 191-210.
Layton, L. Resistance to Resistance. In: Harris, A. and Botticelli, S. editors. First do no harm. New York: Routledge, 2011, pp. 359-376.
Layton, L. Maternally speaking: mothers, daughters and the talking cure. In: Bueskens, P. editor. Mothering and psychoanalysis: clinical, sociological and feminist perspectives. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press, 2014, pp. 161-176.
Layton, L. Beyond sameness and difference: Normative unconscious process and our mutual implication in each other’s suffering. In: Goodman, D. and Freeman, M. editors. Psychology and the Other. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 168-188.
Leader, Jody. (2007). Ghosts of early sibling relationships in couples. In: Couple Attachments: Theoretical and Clinical Studies, V. Nyberg and M. Ludlam (Eds.). London: Karnac.
McGleughlin, Jade. (2016). Do we find or lose ourselves in the negative? In: A. Harris, M. Kalb, and S. Lebanof (Eds.), Ghosts in the consulting room: Echoes of trauma in psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge.
Naiburg, S. (1993). A challenge to Apollonian mastery: A new reading of Henry James’ ‘most appalling yet most admirable’ nightmare. In C. S. Rupprecht (Ed.) Dreams and the text (217-242). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Naiburg, S. (1993). Brother Longing and Love: The Example of Henry James. In C. Carrington, R. Hopcke, & S. Wirth, (Eds.) Same-sex love and the path to wholeness. Boston: Shambhala Publications.
Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., ABPP, “Breast Cancer in the Analyst: Body Lessons,” Relational Perspectives on the Body, L. Aron & F. Anderson (Eds.), The Analytic Press, 1998.
Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., ABPP, “Breast Cancer in the Analyst: Body Lessons” (Italian translation), Il Corpo Nella Prospettiva Relazionale, C. Galletta (Ed.), Edizione la Bibioteca, 2004
Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., ABPP, “Flushing Out the Elephants,” Controversies on Countertransference, H. Strean (Ed.), Jason Aronson, 2001.
Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., ABPP, “Daring Anger and Intimacy: Clinical Failure or Success?,” When Hurt Remains: Relational Perspectives on Therapeutic Failure, A. Ben-Shahar & R. Shalit (Eds.), Karnac, 2016.
Pizer, Stuart A. “Put Down the Duckie”: Analytic Vigor, Rigour, and Relinquishment,” When Hurt Remains: Relational Perspectives on Therapeutic Failure, Asaf Rolef Ben-Shaham & Rachel Shalit (Eds.), Karmic, 2016
Pizer, Stuart A. (1999). The negotiation of paradox in the analytic process. In: Relational Psychoanalysis: The Emergence of a Tradition, S. Mitchell & L. Aron (Eds.). Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Pizer, Stuart A. “The Shock of Recognition: What My Grandfather Taught Me About Psychoanalytic Process,” Psychology and the Other, David Goodman & Mark Freeman (Eds.), Oxford University Press, 2015
Pizer, Stuart A. (2001). The capacity to tolerate paradox: Bridging multiplicity within the self. In: Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process, J.C. Muran (Ed.). American Psychological Association.
Pizer, Stuart A. (2003). Imagining Langan: A transcendence of self. In: Psychoanalysis and Buddhism, J. Safran (Ed.). Wisdom Publications.
Pizer, Stuart A. (2008). La negociacion de la paradoja en el proceso analitico. In: Winnicott Hoy, A. Liberman & A. Abello Blanco (Eds.), Psimatica.
Pizer, Stuart A. (2011). Nina Coltart: A person of paradox. In: Her Hour Come Round at Last: A Garland for Nina Coltart, P. Rudnytsky & G. Preston (Eds.). London: Karnac Press.
Pizer, Stuart A. (1999). Impasse recollected in tranquility: Love, dissociation, and discipline in the analytic process. In: Relational Psychoanalysis, Volume 5: Evolution of Process, L. Aron & A. Harris (Eds.). New York: Routledge.
Stack, Carolyn. (1995). The lesbian patient: Narratives of subjectivity, gender, and sexual identity. In: Lesbians and Psychoanalysis, J. Glassgold & S. Iasenza (Eds.). Free Press.
Teicholz, Judith G. (1996). Optimal responsiveness: Its role in psychic growth and change. In: Understanding Therapeutic Action: Psychodynamic Aspects of Cure, L. E. Lifson, (Ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Articles by MIP Authors
Barahona, R. (2024/forthcoming) Initiating analysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 93(4).
Barahona, R. (2023). Not-so-tristes tropiques: Latin american psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 71(5), 989-1012
Goodman, D. & Severson, E. (Eds.). (2016). The Ethical Turn: Otherness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.