Leadership and Involvement at MIP


Pathways to Leadership at MIP

The vitality and functioning of MIP depends on membership who volunteer their time. They are committed, hard working people and believe in MIP’s mission to provide high standards of psychoanalytic education to our candidates, post graduate fellows and the greater mental health community.

Ways to become more involved:

  1. Teaching and Supervision

  2. Committee Engagement

  3. Presenting and participation in professional MIP Programs

  4. Board Representation

Committee Engagement

Committee work is the backbone of MIP. If you would like to become a committee member contact the co-chairs of the committee you are interested in and see if they are accepting new members. The co-chairs are appointed by the MIP Board of Director’s president. Learn more about MIP committees and open opportunities here.

Presenting & Participating in Programs

If you would like to present in a MIP program, moderate a program, or have a suggestion for a presenter contact the chairs of the program. The Program Committee, Academic Outreach Committee, International Connections Committee, and Psychoanalytic Dimensions all have invited speakers programs.

Board of Directors Representation

Elections for Board Positions are held each Fall. The Nominations Committee sends out a call for nominees, the timetable, and the process for elections. Learn more about the MIP Board of Directors here.

Teaching at MIP

Teaching at MIP provides an opportunity for you to contribute to the education and professional growth of our candidates and community. MIP's uniqueness is our comparative philosophy and we welcome teaching applications from new, returning, and seasoned faculty members alike. As always, MIP strives for inclusivity and diversity amongst our faculty, candidates, curriculum, and institute-at-large.

If you are interested in teaching at MIP please contact the committee chairs of the program you are interested in teaching. Each committee has its own criteria for the selection of faculty.

  • For the four-year program, an announcement goes out each fall with the anticipated openings for the following academic year.

  • For the Postgraduate Fellowship Programs, the committees invite new faculty as positions become available.

  • For Psychoanalytic Dimensions courses members are invited throughout the year to create a course of instruction open to the MIP community and the greater mental health and academic communities interested in psychoanalytic thought. Submit your course here.

Supervision Selection

Candidates are free to choose their supervisors from any graduate of an approved psychoanalytic program locally, nationally, or internationally. However, most often candidates like to receive supervision locally and use the list of MIP supervisors who have agreed to the reduced fee. In addition, if you list your name to give a free consultation to a candidate it provides another avenue in the institute to become known by our candidates.