Advanced Candidate Training Program in Psychoanalysis
Application Process
The Admissions process involves the following components:
Completed application with the provision of all supporting materials (CV, Personal Statement, Transcripts, Licenses, Psychoanalytic Experience, Teaching Syllabi, 3 Letters of Reference, and optional Scholarship Requests)
Application fee: $130 (due with the completed application)
Three interviews (will include the discussion of two clinical cases)
Interview Process
The applicant shall have three interviews, each lasting approximately one and one-half to two hours, with three separate interviewers. At least two of the interviewers shall be members of the Admissions Committee. The third interviewer shall be either a member of the Admissions Committee or an outside interviewer designated by the Committee. In the course of their interviews, applicants should expect to discuss in detail and forthrightly the full range of issues that might arise regarding their pursuit of further psychoanalytic training, including the details of their personal analysis and their experience and learning from it; the nature of their clinical work including specific cases and supervision; their professional development; and whatever other issues the interviewers may deem necessary to evaluate the applicant's suitability for admission and particular needs for further training in various areas.
Application Deadline
Applications to be considered for entry into the class for 2025/26 will be accepted until April 15, 2025.
Interviews are conducted during May, after which the committee convenes for a series of meetings to consider each applicant in detail. Committee decisions are finalized by June 1. Classes begin mid-September.